Development of Well-Being, Health Literacy, Occupational Safety, and Drug Immunity among Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Bangkok Metropolis

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Usa Sutthisakorn
Sirirat Janyarat
Benjaporn Deekhuntod
Kaninthorn Lohkum


The research aimed to: 1) Develop a specialized curriculum to enhance well-being, health literacy, occupational safety, drug immunity, job satisfaction, and prosocial behavior among motorcycle taxi drivers in Bangkok; 2) Develop model areas to create a well-being network for motorcycle taxi drivers; 3) Evaluate the well-being changes among network leaders and those who received network expansion. The research and development were conducted between January 2023 and March 2024. A criterion-based qualitative sampling was used, including five curriculum experts, 175 trained network leaders, 70 expanded network leaders, and 155 network expansion recipients. The research tools included: 1) a training curriculum; 2) an assessment of well-being, health literacy, occupational safety, drug immunity, job satisfaction, and prosocial behavior for motorcycle taxi drivers, with reliability scores ranging from .61 to .91; 3) criteria for evaluating model areas. The study results showed that: 1) The specialized curriculum successfully enhanced the well-being of motorcycle taxi drivers. After the training, the leaders showed a significant increase in physical and mental well-being, six aspects of health literacy, occupational safety, and drug immunity in terms of knowledge and understanding; 2) The leaders expanded the well-being network to 2,426 fellow drivers and community members, covering 58 motorcycle taxi stands, with three model areas established; 3) After the network expansion, the leaders experienced significant improvements in overall well-being, three aspects of health literacy, attitudes and skills in avoiding drug use, and prosocial behavior. The network expansion recipients also showed significant improvements in overall well-being, five aspects of health literacy, occupational safety, attitudes and skills in avoiding drug use, and job satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Sutthisakorn, U., Janyarat, S., Deekhuntod, B., & Lohkum, K. (2024). Development of Well-Being, Health Literacy, Occupational Safety, and Drug Immunity among Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Bangkok Metropolis. Rajapark Journal, 18(61), 299–322. retrieved from
Research Article


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