Travel Motivations Influencing Generation Y Tourists' Decision to Use Independent Overseas Travel Services in Thailand and the Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Kitiyaporn Intipeek
Rotchanakorn Baengthit
Pholsaran Sanyatip
Pariwat Sirakiatsakul
Y.C. Lo


This research aimed to 1) examine the level of travel motivations influencing Generation Y tourists' decisions to use independent overseas travel services in Thailand and the Republic of China (Taiwan), and 2) test the effects of travel motivations on their decision to use these services. The population consisted of Generation Y tourists with experience using independent overseas travel services in Thailand and Taiwan, with an unknown total population size. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula (1977) at a 95% confidence level, requiring a minimum of 385 respondents per country. To reduce sampling errors, a total of 800 respondents were surveyed, equally distributed between the two countries with 400 each. This quantitative research utilized questionnaires for data collection. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics using multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) the overall level of travel motivation was high (Mean = 4.27, S.D. = 0.60), and 2) travel motivations significantly influenced the decision to use independent travel services (F = 20.916, p < 0.01), explaining 52.20% of the variance in decision-making. Among push factors, destination activities exerted the strongest influence, followed by self-fulfillment and prestige, and travel experience. For pull factors, the quality and diversity of tourism offerings had the most significant impact, followed by historical and cultural attractions, scenic beauty of tourist destinations, accessibility of tourist destinations, value and experiences, tourism promotion policies, and cost of living.

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How to Cite
Intipeek, K., Baengthit, R., Sanyatip, P., Sirakiatsakul, P., & Y.C. Lo. (2024). Travel Motivations Influencing Generation Y Tourists’ Decision to Use Independent Overseas Travel Services in Thailand and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Rajapark Journal, 18(61), 128–144. retrieved from
Research Article


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