Relationship Between Soft Skills and Happiness at Work Among Graduates of Public Health Faculty at Private Universities in Samut Prakan Province

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Darunwan Somjai
Busayarat Jantakad
Natsikarn Lhaovanichthanapha
Phannara Buaphan
Muchalin Charoenroop
Kantika Tikkhana
Yupaporn Chimkeeree
Pradthana Nonpala


The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between soft skills and happiness at work. The study population were students who graduated from private universities, with the sample size of 94 people who had graduated and had been working for 1 year or more. The research tool was a questionnaire, which included personal status, social skills, and job satisfaction; the content validity was between 0.67 and 1.00, and the content reliability was 0.938. The data was analyzed using statistical statistics, including the percentage, mean score, and standard deviation, and the relation was tested using inferential statistics by using multiple regression analysis. Soft skills results were overall at a high level. When each aspect was considered, it was found that the adaptive skills had the highest average and the emotional intelligence skills had the lowest. The overall level of happiness in the workplace was high. When each aspect was considered, it was seen that the interpersonal skills in work life had both the highest and the lowest averages. When the relationship was analyzed, it was found that social skills had a positive correlation with happiness at work. When each aspect was considered, it was found that decision-making and problem-solving skills interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence skills and social intelligence skills had a statistically significant effect on happiness at work at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Somjai, D., Jantakad, B., Lhaovanichthanapha, N., Buaphan, P., Charoenroop, M., Tikkhana, K., Chimkeeree, Y., & Nonpala, P. (2023). Relationship Between Soft Skills and Happiness at Work Among Graduates of Public Health Faculty at Private Universities in Samut Prakan Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 42–52. Retrieved from
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