Human Resource Management in the Hotel Business Post-COVID-19

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Jutima Boonmee
Peravich Singkhala


This research used a qualitative method based on focus groups and aimed to: 1) analyze the patterns of human resource management for hotel enterprises following the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in managing existing jobs. This included employee perseverance, termination of employment, and changes in work style due to a decrease or cancellations of services in the last 3 years (2019 - 2022). 2) elicit comments from 13 persons involved in the hotel industry, such as government agencies, entrepreneurs, employees, and educational institutions. The data were analyzed to draw conclusions. The research results showed that proper human resource management following the COVID-19 pandemic included a management model that began with dealing with the crisis (Crisis Management) and led to a technique for restarting the hotel business (Restart Hotel) by providing a human resource management model (HR Model) that encouraged knowledge and expertise in coping with crises. Gaining new knowledge and abilities, adapting technology required for work, and encouraging staff to work cheerfully in the midst of change were all part of the job, which required calmness
and the ability to prepare for inevitable various crises.

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How to Cite
Boonmee, J., & Singkhala, P. (2023). Human Resource Management in the Hotel Business Post-COVID-19. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 78–90. Retrieved from
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