Integrated Marketing Communications Affecting the Buying Decisions of Community Enterprises: A Case Study of Crispy Herbal Chili Paste at Ban Mo Luang District, Mae Moh District, Lampang Province

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Daoduean Inteacha


This is a quantitative research, which aimed to study integrated marketing communications effect on community enterprises' purchasing decisions: a case study of herbal crispy chilli paste products at Ban Mo Luang, Mae Mo District, Lampang Province. A sample of 400 people was selected by random sampling from the consumers. Questionnaires were used as a tool to collect data from the target sample. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using percentage, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics using multiple regression analysis. The study found that the majority of consumers were female aged between 31 - 40 years with an income of 10,000 - 20,000 baht, and most of them bought spicy chili paste. The decision to buy the herbal crispy chili paste because of the delicious taste and cleanliness rated at an average of 4.67, they liked and intend to buy products of the community enterprise rated at an average of 4.50 and the opportunity to return to buy products of the community enterprise group rated at an average of 4.49. Assessment on integrated marketing communications were at a high level with an average of 4.01, with the highest score being advertising and public relations with an average of 4.05, promotion with an average of 4.01 and direct marketing with an average of 3.94, respectively. Hypothesis testing revealed that integrated marketing communications significantly influenced purchase decisions in advertising and public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing at the 0.05 level. The R2 = .918 or 91.80 % indicated that the variation of integrated marketing communication significantly affected and related to the purchase decision of the herbal crispy chili paste.

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How to Cite
Inteacha, D. (2023). Integrated Marketing Communications Affecting the Buying Decisions of Community Enterprises: A Case Study of Crispy Herbal Chili Paste at Ban Mo Luang District, Mae Moh District, Lampang Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 67–77. Retrieved from
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