English Learning Achievement Development through the Instruction Model Based on Integrated Approach

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Preecha Sriraungrith
Nikom Yakanya
Anchana Sriraungrith


The purpose of this research was to discover the English learning achievement of the students learning through the instructional model based integrated approach. The experiment was implemented with 2 subject groups of students, selected with purposive selection method, in the second semester of academic year 2016; the first group consisted of 22 students enrolling to study the Skill-Integrated English course and the second groups comprised35 students enrolling to study English for ASEAN Studies course.  The instruments were the set contents and the teaching and learning activities of the instructional model based on integrated approach, and English learning achievement test. The statistics used for analyzing the data in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test. The results revealed that both subject groups had significantly higher achievement after learning through the instructional model at statistical level .01, the difference of average achievement score between before and after learning was over 30, and the average achievement scores of both groups after learning were over 50%, which was higher than before learning over 30%.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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