Development of Literature Circles and Higher Order Question for Analytical Thinking Ability of Higher Education Level Students

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สุรีรัตน์ อักษรกาญจน์



            This research aimed to1) develop the model of literature circle learning with high level questions to
improve the analytical thinking ability of the students, and 2) compare the analytical thinking ability of the
students of Suratthani Rajabhat University before and after learning literature circles with the use of high-level questions. The sample group in this research was the sample group in objective; four groups of 130 students in the Thai major, Faculty of Education at Suratthani Rajabhat University in academic year 2016 selected by purposive sampling. The study took three periods each week for 10 weeks, equal to 30 periods per subject, in the experimental groups. The tool used to collect the data was the analytical thinking ability test while the tool used in the experiment was a literature circle teaching plan with high-level questions. Then, the data were analyzed by means (gif.latex?\bar{X}), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test.
The research revealed the findings as follows:
1. The model of literature circles and higher order question for analytical thinking ability. There are 5
steps: 1) Explore the original knowledge and divide into groups, 2) research and question, 3) Consider the
answer, 4) Reflect, and 5) Presentation of data analysis results. Their purpose is to develop analytical thinking
2. Students learned through the literature circles with the use of high-level questions had the ability to
analyze after learning at a higher level than before learning at the .05 level of significance. They also had the
ability of analytical thinking after learning in three aspects; the importance, the relationship, and the principles.
This ability after learning was higher than before learning at the significance level of .05.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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