The Development of 5 Steps Learning Activities with the Local Resources and the School Botanical Garden (Local Plants) to Enhance the Ability in Analytical Thinking Ability for Grade 7 Students

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มัสยา ธิติธนานันท์


The purposes of this research were to : 1) study the conditions and needs for science learning;
2) develop and find an efficiency of the Learning Activities Sets; 3) experiment the Learning Activities Sets; and 4) extend results and assessment the Learning Activities Sets. The samples were the administrators of
Nonthaikruuppathamp School, Science teachers of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Administrative Organization 3, Science teachers and students of Nonthaikruuppathamp School, and students of Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Administrative Organization 3. Research instruments consisted of the interview form, focus group technique, learning activities sets, lesson plans, an academic test, the ability in analytical thinking skill form and satisfaction questionnaire. Data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation. efficiency (E1/E2) and t-test for dependent samples.
The results were as follows :
1. The Science teachers had lots of periodic teaching, learning tools and learning innovations were not
enough and not modern. The most important focus for the students was 21st Century Skills; Life and working
skills; Thinking and problem Solving skills; Analytical thinking skill.
2. The assessment results of the learning activities sets from the experts were the most appropriate.
The efficiency after try out was 80/80.
3. The ability in analytical thinking skill and achievement of experimental group after using the learning
activities sets were higher than before using the learning activities sets at .05 significance level. The
experimental group had opinion towards the learning activities sets was found at the high level.
4. The ability in analytical thinking skill and the achievement of the extended group after using the
learning activities sets were higher the before using the learning activities sets at .05 significance level. The
extended group had opinion towards the learning activities sets was found at the high level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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