Development of Learning Management Model on Cloud Computing System Based on Connectivism to Enhance Information and Communication Technology Literacy for Undergraduate Students

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Chanin Thitipetchakul
Narong Sompong
Nattaphon Rampai


This research aimed to 1) study the learning management model on the cloud computing, 2) develop the learning management model on the cloud computing, and 3) study the effect of using the learning management model on cloud computing.

The participants of this study used in the experiment were 30 undergraduate students of Suan Dusit University that studying in the course on computer technology and application programs for learning management obtain from cluster random sampling. The research tools were: 1) learning management on cloud computing system, 2) learning achievement test, 3) rubric assessment of Information and communication technology skills and 5) satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and and dependent samples t-test.

The research results revealed that: 1. The developed Learning Management Model on Cloud Computing comprised 5 components: 1) the learning management system 2) learning environment 3) Cloud computing or cloud service 4) Students, teachers, and system managers evaluated by experts at the highest level, mean 4.58, and standard deviation 0.49 2. The achievement scores of students higher than before learning were statistically significant at .05 level. 3. Information and communication technology literacy skills assessed from the learner's portfolio was averaged at 73.7 a good level. 4. Students satisfied with the learning system development was at a high level, mean 4.64, and standard deviation 0.45

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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