Strategies of management toward the excellence for small sized elementary school under the Office of Basic Education Commission

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Montree Panpongwattana
Sukpaluck Sadtapanit


The purposes of this study were 1) to study elements of management and 2) to present the strategies of management toward the excellence for small sizedelementary school under the Office of Basic Education Commission. The study was found that the elements of management toward the excellence for smallsized elementary school under the Office of Basic Education Commission were consisted of 6 elements : education management, education administration leadership of school administrator, teacher and supporting personal, result of works and relations among school, home and community. Each element consisted of 27 sub-elements and each sub- element consisted of 130 methods. The strategies of management toward the excellence for small sizedelementary school consisted of 4 strategies. The strategies were 1) strategy of management, 2) strategy of educational, 3) strategy of teacher and education personal, 4) strategy of promoting participation and strengthening the schoolswhich consistedof 23 measures.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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