A Study of the Development of Self-access Searching Information Skill of Education Students and Non-education Students in Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University

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Petsuda Phumiphan
Panitnan Udomsap
Waradee Chanvirat
Supawadee Wisuwan


The purposes of this study were to 1) develop self-access searching information skill and 2) compare the development of educational and non-educational programs students’ self-access searching information, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University. The samples were 566 students ,selected by purposive sampling which were 459 students of education and 107 students of non-education who were studying in the second semester academic year 2012. The research methodology applied to the experimental research design in one-short case study by using 4 hearts instructional lesson plan models and searching information evaluation form. Also, Z-test and percentage were used for data analysis.

The results were as followed :

1) students of both educational and non-educational programs tend to develop continuously according to criteria of searching information. The bibliography writing is stratified in the fifth time. However, students of non-educational programs obtained the reliability information criteria, the bibliography writing criteria decreased the development in the fifth time.

2) The development of students of both educational and non-educational programs’ self-access searching information skill followed by searching criteria two more sources and it differed in the fifth time while writing bibliography criteria differed from the third, the fourth, and the fifth times and the reliability of the information criteria differed in the fourth time.

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