A Head of Early Childhood Development Center Leadership Development Model Effecting the Effectiveness of Early Childhood Development Center under Local Government Organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Pituk Sombool
Prayad Bhoomkhokrak


This research aimed to 1) study the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affected the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres; 2) develop model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affected the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres and 3) assess the development model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership under the local administrative organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima. The research consisted of 3 phases: 1) The study of the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affected the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres, 2) The development of the model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership and 3) The assessment of the model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership under the local administrative organizations. Research tools were a questionnaire, an assessment form on the suitability and the possibility of the model, and group discussion among 32 heads who won the heads of the Child Development Centres of the Year Award in 2010. Each research participant was selected by using the stratified random sampling in 32 districts, they were in total of 249 heads of the Child Development Centres. (10 experts and 16 qualified persons who had experiences in educational management or the Child Development Centres were derived from the purposive sampling). The aim of this sample selection was to assess the suitability of the model. Statistics used for data analysis were percentages, means, standard deviations and content analysis.

The research results showed that

1) On the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affected the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres, the relationship between the leadership and the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres was generally positive with the statistical significance at the .01 level. Concerning the regression analysis of the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affected the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres, the first top three aspects of the leadership with the statistical significance at the .05 level were the personality, the academic and the participation behavior.

2) The development of the model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affects the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres consisted of 4 components: (1) principles, (2) objectives, (3) The 3 steps development procedures (3.1) The assessment prior to the development, (3.2) the development in accordance with the model and (3.3) the assessment after the development), and (4) the guidelines for the model implementation.

3) The assessment of the development model for the heads of the Child Development Centres’ leadership which affects the performance efficiency of the Child Development Centres consisting of 4 components: (1) the principles,(2) objectives of the model, (3) The 4 steps development procedures: (3.1) The assessment prior to the development, (3.2) the development in accordance with the model, (3.3) the assessment after the development and (3.4) the redevelopment, and (4) the guidelines for the model implementation.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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