Development of the Reading Ability Entitled “Spelling of Words Ending do not Follow the Rules” by Using Brain Base Learning for Prathomsuksa 2 via the Executive Functions

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Jitaporn Jumas
Anucha Kornpuang


        The purpose of the research were to: 1) Compare the reading ability entitled “Spelling of Words Ending do not Follow the Rules” for Prathomsuksa 2 students before and after learning management by the Brain Base Learning with executive functions; and 2) Compare the word reading ability that are spelled inconsistent with the spelling sections of Prathomsuksa 2 students after learning with the criteria of 80 percent.
        The target group are 9 students in Prathomsuksa 2 in 2nd semester, 2019 academic year of Ban Tha Hae School, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province. The research plan is a One-group Pretest-Posttest. The research tools were the learning management plan and the ability test. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation (S.D), t-test Dependent and t-test One Sample.
        The results of the research showed that 1) student had post-test scores higher than pre-test at statistical significant level of .05; 2) Student had higher reading ability on  Instruction Entitled Spelling of  Words Ending do not Follow the Rules for post-testing than criteria 80 percent at statistical significant level of .05.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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