Community Product Identity to Build and Communicate Brand: A Case Study of Ramtone Nokphithid Performance

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Methawee Chamnian


Thailand is rich in natural and cultural capital resources that has been accumulated and inherited through generations. Thus, this may create the community products that reflect the wisdom, beliefs and way of life of each locality, related to Thai resources. By doing that, the community products in daily life can be elevated as the products for commercial uses. However, the similarity of community products has been found in both their form and usage. Searching for identities or building the identity of those products is very important for commercial distribution and to lead for the identity of community, including brand building and brand communication. It can generate the local incomes, also create the economic stability and sustainability for entrepreneurs. This study, therefore, would like to present approaches to create and reveal the community products identity, which lead to brand building and communicating of community products as consumer needs. The case study of Nok Phithid Performance is used in this research, the study found that the community must
jointly search for the identity of the community product and lead to create and communicate brand in various platforms according to the brand identity that consistently consists of different elements. These various platforms will build awareness, interests and needs of customers.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)


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