Developing Instructional Model Based on STEAM Education for Enhancing Creative Thinking Skill of Students in Small Elementary Schools

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Isara Phonnong
Wasana Keeratichamroen


       The objectives of this research were: 1) To study the problems and needs for reinforcing creative thinking skill of students in small elementary schools; and 2) To develop the instructional model based on STEAM approach for enhancing creative thinking skill of students in small elementary schools. The processes of research were conducted two phases. The target group of first phase was 28 teachers in small elementary schools, Mueang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The target group of second phase was five educational experts.  Questionnaire and evaluation form were used for collecting data which were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that the elementary teachers met the problems of instruction at the high level.  The needs about instruction for encouraging the creative thinking were at the high level. The instructional model based on STEAM approach was created to be four components with the syntax of this model has 7 steps were appropriately at the highest level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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