The Relationship of Factors Affecting Success of the Elderly Athletes in Udon Thani Province to Participate in the Elderly Sports of Thailand

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Patumporn Sri-esan


      This quantitative research was aimed to study the relationship of factors affecting success of the elderly athletes in Udon Thani province to participate in the elderly sports of Thailand and to study the predictive variables for type of sports, community and society, the agency supporting, health and hygiene, training and coaching were affecting the highest achievement of the elderly athletes in Udon Thani province to participate in the elderly sports of Thailand. The 181 samples were selected using a quota sampling.  The research tool was a 5 likert scale of standardize questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.  The results found that the factors which affecting the success were supporting, community and society, coaching, and training.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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