Development of an Instructional Package Using Gamification Techniques for Enhancing Teamwork Skills in Research & Knowledge Formation Subject

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Udomwadee Wannakul
Khwanying Sriprasertpap
Rittichai Onming


       The objectives of this research were to develop the instructional activity package based on gamification in Research and Knowledge Formation Course of Matthayomsuksa 2 students (Grade 8) to promote the teamwork skills; to study the teamwork skills development of students after implementing the instructional activity based on gamification to promote the teamwork skills; to examine the learning achievement of students to promote the teamwork skills. The sample group was a total of 30 students in Matthayomsuksa 2/8 of DebsirinSamutprakan School, Semester 2, Academic Year 2020, selected with the lucky draw, and cluster random sampling method. The research tools include 1) the instructional activity package based on gamification to promote the teamwork skills, 2) peer evaluation form for congruence on teamwork skills, 3)self-evaluation form for teamwork skills, and self- evaluation form for congruence on teamwork skills, and 4) work evaluation form. Statistics used to analyze data were mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}), Standard Deviation (S.D.), repeated measures ANOVA, and One Sample t-test.
       The research results showed that the instructional activity package based on gamification consists of four components: manuals, content, teaching materials, and assessments.As a result, the results of teamwork skills development of the students before, during and after the experiment showed the difference with a statistical significance .05. Additionally, regarding the students’ learning achievement after implementing the instructional activity package, the students were qualified the criteria at 70% with a statistical significance .05.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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