The Effects of Group Activities on Social Adjustment of Secondary Education Grade 4 Students

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Muhamasubidi Somonihamah
Prayut Thaithani


This experimental research was a study of the effect of group discussion on the social adjustment. The purposes of this study were to: 1) Compare the students’ social adjustment of the experimental group before and after; and 2) Compare the social adjustment between the experimental group and the control group both before and after. Fifty-six students from Rajprajanugroh 29 School were randomly from 114 students by cluster sampling as the sample of this study, 31 students for the experimental group and 25 students for the control group. The 12 activity plans (50 minute each) were used for the research instruments. Data were analyzed by t-test.

The results were found that after the experiment, the students in the experimental group showed a statistically significant at the .01 level. With the comparison between the experimental and the control groups, the scores of the experimental group were higher statistically significant than the control group students at the .01 level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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