The Development of High School Teachers under the Office of the Basic Education Commission’s Indicators in Competency-Based Learning

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Nattapon Palajai
Phutcharawalai Meesup


This research aimed to develop the high school teachers’ (under the Office of the Basic Education Commission: OBEC)  indicators of competency-based learning management, and to examine the structural validity of the competency-based learning management indicators created by using corroborative component analysis. Sample used in this research were 400 high school teachers under the Kamphaengphet Secondary Educational Service Area Office which  were obtained by Multistage Random Sampling. The data collecting tool was the rating scale questionnaire,  and were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis.

The research results were: 1. The Basic Education Commission’s Indicators in competency-based learning management consist of 3 main components and 39 indicators. The indicators were 3 components, 17 indicators of learning management design, 15 indicators of learning management process, and 7 indicators of measurement and evaluation; and 2. By using factor analysis in Competency-Based Learning found that the structural model was consistent with the empirical data with gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;\chi&space;2 = 685.19, (df) = 608, gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;\chi&space;2/df = 1.13, p-value = 0.02, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.92 and RMSEA = 0.02

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