Guidelines for the Transmission of E-Sarn Mural Painting’s Values: Wat Thareap, Naa Pho District, Buriram Province

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Atiya Wongwat
Doungkamol Bangchuad
Chawalit Atipatayakul


The objective of this research was to analyze on the value of E-sarn mural painting of Wat Thareap, Naa Pho District, Buriram Province. Data were collected by conducting a group Interview and an in-depth interview with 16 participants who were the abbot, the deputy abbot, art teachers, community leaders, local philosophers, and villagers. Using the concept of Axiology and studying the Transmission of E-sarn mural painting’s value as a tool in developing community and cultural heritage to transmit thinking, belief, values, local wisdom, and local E-sarn uniqueness from generation to generation. The results revealed that the current transmission of E-sarn mural painting had occurred in 2 manners including: 1) the way of life of community people, i.e., religious activities of teenagers and seniors, local wisdom on Sin Teen Deang fabric weaving, routes of cultural tourism, and Ural literature; and 2) educational management in the school system for Hoop Tam study trips on E-sarn mural painting in various courses. The Guidelines for the transmission of E-sarn mural painting’s values were consecutive training of young guides and introduced Hoop Tam knowledge for residents and tourists, and creation of media for promoting cultural tourism and transmission of value, which were the temples and schools where were still gathering places for the minds of the community. In addition, the abbot still maintains the ancient rituals, such as Hod Song ceremonies, merit-making ceremonies that cultural exchanges between neighboring communities have been continued.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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