Curriculum Development on Earthquakes for Youth and People, Chiang Rai

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Sudapon Panyaprouks
Poramin Aridech
Ilada Maneekard
Wittaya Pulsawad
Petsawat Kankam
Sasiphat Mekara


This study is part of the research of the development of curriculum on the earthquake for the youth and people in Chiang Rai province. The aims were to study the basic information and the need for curriculum development, and to design the curriculum. The sample group were; 1) 880 youth and people in Chiang Rai Province, 2) 5 experts who experienced the development of earthquake curriculum and learning management, 3) 15 experts for the appropriateness of the curriculum, and 4) 10 experts for group discussion. The research instruments were (1) a questionnaire, (2) an interview form, (3) an evaluation form, and (4) a focus group form. The research was implemented in two steps; to study the basic background and the need, and to design the earthquake curriculum. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}), standard deviation (S.D.), and content analysis. The results were as follows: 1) The opinions towards the need for the curriculum development appeared that the youth and people needed the earthquake curriculum at the high level,2)Two types of the earthquake curriculum were found: the curriculum for the youth and the curriculum for the people. Both curriculums were appropriate at the high level, respectively. The results from the focus group discussion showed that the real situation is needed to be considered, then the curriculums were improved and tried out. There were nine elements:1) Principles and Rationale,2) Curriculum Objectives, 3) Duration, 4) Target Group, 5) Guidelines for Learning Activities, 6) Instructions for Using the Course Manual, 7) Curriculum Structure, 8) Learning Activities, and 9) Assessment. There were four learning units: 1) Earthquake, 2) Handling with the earthquake, 3) Safe from the earthquake, and 4) Learning after the earthquake.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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