Development of 11th Grade Students' Science Communication in the Learning Unit of Transport in Vascular Plant Using Model-Based Inquiry Teaching

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Attcharapan Luanmanee
Sasithep Pitiporntapin
Boonsatien Boonsoong


This classroom action research aimed to develop of 11th grade students' science communication in the learning unit of “Transport in Vascular Plant” using model-based inquiry teaching. The participants were selected by purposive sampling consisted of 34 students in Mathematics-Science program. The research instruments included of 4 learning management plans, and an assessment of science communication ability. Data were analyzed by determining the frequency and percentage of development. The results were found that the Model-based quest-based learning management could be able to develop students' science communication abilities. Most of students (52.94 percent = 18 people) had a high level of development in science communication in speech, and the majority of students, (38.24 percent =13 students), had a moderate improvement in their ability to communicate in science in writing.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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