EPCA Model to Enhance Teachers’ Professional Competencies in Curriculum and Learning Management for Students Studying in Bachelor Degrees in Education Program

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Wasana Keeratichamroen


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop instructional model to enhance teachers’ professional competencies in curriculum and learning management for students studying in bachelor degrees in education program and 2) trial the instructional model to enhance teachers’ professional competencies in curriculum and learning management for students studying in bachelor degrees in education program. The processes of research were conducted two phases. The target group of first phase was 3 educational experts. The target group of second phase was 29 sophomore students who registered for the course 102207 learning management methodology, second semester of 2021 academic year, by cluster random grouping. The research tools were the learning management model assessment form, the learning management plan using the EPCA model, and the teachers’ professional competencies test. Data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and gain score. The results revealed that 1) EPCA model to enhance teachers’ professional competencies in curriculum and learning management was appropriately at the highest level, and 2) students who have studied using EPCA model had teachers’ professional competencies as following, teachers’ professional competencies after learning was significantly higher than before at the .05 level, and teachers’ professional competencies after learning was significantly higher than 70% criterion at .05 level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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