A Promotion Strategy of Citizen Participatory Audit by State Audit Volunteer in Lower Northern Thailand

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Wanchai Bunchoo
Nathada Wongnaya
Sutthi Suntharanurak


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the condition, problems, and related factors; 2) develop and evaluate strategies to promote participation in verifying the annual government budget expenditure of the State Audit Volunteers in the lower northern region. Collect data from 175 stratified sampling including the state audit volunteers and state audit officials in the lower northern region. Information providers include 35 people of state audit officials, and qualified and strategic experts by using a questionnaire, and interview form. The statistics used to analyze the data are averages, standard deviation, and information analysis. Data was collected through group discussions, workshop meetings, and connoisseurship. The results of the study found that the condition of participation is the whistle of corruption directed to the Officers. The problem with participation is that time is limited and no opportunity to comment.  The factors related to participation are pride in duty. Strategies to promote participation 10 strategies. The evaluation of strategies to promote participation found that all the strategies were appropriate, possible, and acceptable at the best and best levels.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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