The Proposed Policy of Elderly Schools Management for Local Government Organizations in Thailand

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Patcharin Liamyu
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong
Chari Manisri


This research is a mixed methods which aimed to propose the Elderly School management of the local government organization in Thailand. The objectives were: 1) To study Elderly School Management of Local Government Organizations in Thailand; 2) To study the potential development of the elderly from the school management; and 3) To propose the Proposed Policy for the Elderly School Management. Three phases of research were conducted: The informants research Phase 1 was the interview from 20 Administrators and Board from the Elderly Schools which there is good management from the school project of Local Government Organizations in Thailand; Phase 2 using questionnaire for the 276 Elderly School Administrators and Board from a model elderly school in the local government organization; and Phase 3 using the focus group of 11 administrators and executive committee of Elderly School of Award-winning Local Government Organizations and Educational Administration Specialist. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

The results of this research indicated that 1) The management is based on the POSDCoRB theory. The concept of school management for the elderly will be 5 things, and contains components based on the concept of Active Aging. 2) The overall development of the potential of the elderly by school management was at a high level, and 3) Policy proposals include 8 items 1) planning 2) Organizing 3) Staffing 4) Directing 5) Coordinating 6) Reporting 7) Budgeting 8) Management Elderly School concept of school management for the elderly 5 things, and contains components based on the concept of Active Aging.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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