Guidelines for Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Capital to Develop Higher Order Thinking Competency of Learners According to a Competency-Based Curriculum in Secondary Schools under Ratchaburi Cluster 1

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Palita Onsuk
Wanwisa Suebnusorn Klaijumlang
Sudarat Sarnswang


The objectives of this research were to: 1) Study the current and desirable states and assess the need for enhancing teachers' professional capital to develop higher order thinking competency of learners according to a competency-based curriculum in secondary schools under Ratchaburi cluster 1 using the current and desirable state questionnaire with 181 teachers who were selected by multi-stage sampling; 2) Analyze the causes of the needs through interviews with ten key informants who are school administrators and teachers, which then were analyzed by an empathy map; and  3) Synthesize guidelines for enhancing teachers' professional capital from a content analysis of interview results with ten school administrators and teachers, together with results from steps one and two above.

The results showed that: 1) The highest need was found at the human capital (PNImodified = 0.145). 2) The needs were caused by the fact that teachers' learning management method did not promote learners' higher order thinking competencies, lack of awareness of the importance of higher thinking competencies, and lack of linking knowledge to real-life situations. 3) As the guidelines, the administrators, the peer teachers, and the educational supervisors should supervise, follow up, and give advices to teachers regarding learning management that promote learners’ higher order thinking competencies.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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