Growth Mindset Development of Grade 5 Students Using Learning Management to Enhance the Growth Mindset in S15101 Social Studies at Chumchon Ban Sisalaloeng School, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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The objectives of this research were to develop the growth mindset and students' achievement by using learning management to enhance the growth mindset in S15101 Social Studies. The target of the study included 21 grade 5 students from Chumchon Ban Sisalaleang School, Nakhon Ratchasima Provide, who were undergoing their second semester of the academic year 2022. The research followed the action research approach, which utilized a three-cycle operational strategy that included lesson plans, post-management result records, observer forms, interviews, sub-tests, growth mindset rating scale assessment forms, and academic performance tests. Data analyses were carried out using means, standard deviations (S.D.), and percentages, and the results were presented using descriptive narratives.
The findings of the study revealed that the utilization of learning management to enhance the growth mindset led to an average growth mindset score at a high level (= 4.38). Additionally, 71.43% of the students passed the specified criteria, which required them to have an average growth mindset score at a high level, and a percentage of students who passed the criteria at 70% or above. The study also found that the students' average learning achievement was 28.91 (72.26%), and 71.43% of the students passed the specified criteria, which required them to achieve an average of at least 70% and a percentage of students who passed the standard at 70% or above.
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