Generation Z Adolescence: Essential Age and Time of Life

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Phawika Paksa


Adolescence is the period that has essential life changes; physical, emotional, social, and intellectual. They desire to discover their own identity and use more sophisticated thinking in considering foundational to abstract things.  Adolescence is the age of curiosity and learning to live in preparation for becoming an adult. Currently, adolescence is Generation Z who has grown up in a world that is highly advanced in technology. Their life which is connected to the online world network leads to higher levels of both skills and knowledge. However, fast and changing all the time living makes these adolescents have a faster pace of life and less interaction with other people. These lifestyles tend to develop behaviors that are mental health problems, and the risk of depression, including bullying. This article presents the developmental issues of adolescence, important characteristics, crises, and ways to promote the potential of Generation Z adolescents so that readers can understand this group better.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)


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