Research and Development Programs to Enhance Problem-Solving Ability for 5-Years-Old Children

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supa bamrunguea
Piyatida Panya
Paisarn Worakham


This research and development study aimed to: 1) Develop the program; and 2) Study the results of using a program to promote problem-solving abilities for 5-years-old children, who are 13 3rd-year kindergarten students, the 2nd semester, academic year 2022 at Ban Peluay School (Kurusanwittaya) Roi Et Province, by random sampling method. The research tools were a problem-solving ability assessment, 10 situations of a problem-solving ability assessment, and 96 items of a program evaluation form. Statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and percentage.

The results of the research found that: The developed program contains 6 components, and the activity organizing process has 5 steps. The program’s quality of suitability which was at the high level, and the possibility is at the highest level. The results were also found that the problem-solving ability of kindergarten 3 students was outstanding, and the results of the program evaluation are accurate and useful at the highest level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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