Empowering Teacher Performance in Learning Management: A Model for Private Schools

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Natrada Kanarak
Narech Khantharee
Chuankid Masena


The objectives of this research are to examine the current conditions and needs for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools and to develop a model for empowering teachers' performance in learning management within private schools. The target group for the study consisted of 332 private school teachers and a panel of 10 experts. The research instruments employed were questionnaires and a model assessment form, and the statistical methods used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation.

The research results revealed that the current conditions for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools are overall at a high level. The need for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools is also overall at a high level. The developed model for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools focuses on four aspects of teacher empowerment: 1) motivation at work, 2) creating an atmosphere and participation in work, 3) empowering and giving freedom to work, and 4) participation in decision-making. This model utilizes the teacher's operational process to manage learning in three aspects: 1) striving to develop learners to their full potential, 2) developing learning management, and 3) acting as a good role model. The model is deemed appropriate, with an overall possibility rating at a high level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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