Academic Collaboration Model of the Teacher in a Secondary School Consortium
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the states and needs on academic cooperation of the teachers in a secondary school consortium as perceived by 258 school directors; 2) to construct the academic cooperation model of the teachers in a secondary school consortium as verified by 9 experts; 3) to implement the academic cooperation model of the teachers in a secondary school consortium with 30 teachers in Muang Buriram secondary school consortium; and 4) to evaluate the academic cooperation model of the teachers in a secondary school consortium by 11 experts and relevant stakeholders. The research instruments were questionnaires, interviews, and evaluation forms. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The findings revealed that: 1) the states and needs on academic cooperation of the teachers in a secondary school consortium were at a high level; 2) the academic cooperation model of the teachers in a secondary school consortium included 4 components, namely (1) teacher professional development, (2) learning management efficiency, (3) innovation and technology media for learning management, and (4) learners’ achievement enhancement; 3) the implementing result indicated that the items in learning management efficiency components before the implementation were at a fair quality while after the implementation was at the good quality; and 4) the evaluation result of the academic cooperation model of the teachers in a secondary school consortium found that the appropriateness, possibility, and utilization in overall were at a high level.
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