Scientific Literacy on “DNA Technology” of Upper Secondary School Students

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Khanarak Kitprasoet
Navara Seetee


This research aimed 1) to explore scientific literacy of upper secondary school students on DNA technology, both overall and by competency, and 2) to compare scientific literacy between different grade levels using survey research. Samples were 244 grade 10-12 students in the science-mathematics class from a school in Nakhon Pathom province, which was obtained through cluster random sampling. Data was collected using scientific literacy test on DNA technology with a reliability of 0.79. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA.

The results found that scientific literacy of the most students was at level 2 and below (94.26%), a minority (5.74%) was at levels 3-4, and no students found at levels 5-6 which is the highest level. When considering each competency , it was found student had an average scores of scientific literacy in each competency below 50 percent of the full score. Students grade 11 and 12 had a higher average score of scientific literacy than grade 10 at a statistical significance of .05. However, there was no difference between average score of students’ scientific literacy between grades 11 and 12. These findings suggested that teachers should design and organize learning that focuses more on enhancing scientific literacy for upper secondary school students.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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