Cultural and Historical Capitals Management to Promote Development of Creative Oldtown Sawankhalok City, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province
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This research aims to enhance the cultural and historical heritage of Sawankhalok city to support its promotion and conservation efforts. It explores the historical and cultural richness of the community, grounded in its unique cultural heritage. The primary objective is to foster the development of the creative old town area of Sawankhalok through the effective management of its cultural and historical assets. The study's participants include a diverse group of 20 individuals representing artists, poets, craftsmen, and cultural entrepreneurs within the Sawankhalok district of Sukhothai province. Additionally, 10 representatives from local government organizations and tourism support units were involved. Research methodologies utilized include cultural mapping and semi-structured interviews. The findings significantly contribute to the enhancement of Sawankhalok's cultural and historical capital by promoting and preserving local identity, community history, and cultural heritage. Moreover, the results support the development of Sawankhalok's creative old town through the strategic management of its cultural and historical resources.
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