Adaptive Communication Strategies of Religious Institutions: A Case Study of Wat Prasat, Nonthaburi Province

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Waranya Kulvaraporn
Somsuk Hinviman


The objectives of this study were to examine 1) historical and current temple communication strategies; and 2) the historical and current role and function of the temple as media focus. Qualitative research was done with data collected by observation, informal interviews and in-depth interviews with samples who were stakeholders living in and beyond the community. Data was analyzed according to concepts and theories related to secularization, functionalism, and communication strategy.

Results were that contextual and societal changes decreased the previous stature of Wat Prasat, Nonthaburi as a sacred site. Communication strategic attempts to secularize sacred areas included adapting them for new generations in terms of sender, receiver, message, and channel by focusing on visitors from outside the community to expand the audience. Altered and updated communication strategies dynamically affected the current role and function of the temple, but some traditional roles and duties persisted, maintaining its status as a religious institution.

These findings suggest that the current communication strategy for Wat Prasat, Nonthaburi combines ethical and marketing communication approaches. By adapting and choosing appropriate consumer communications strategies, the temple will persuade participants to attend temple activities regularly and remain loyal through generational disparities.

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How to Cite
Kulvaraporn, W., & Hinviman, S. (2022). Adaptive Communication Strategies of Religious Institutions: A Case Study of Wat Prasat, Nonthaburi Province. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 21(1), 33–44. Retrieved from
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