The Relationship between Thai Air Asia’s Marketing Communication Strategies and Customers’ Service Selection Decision at Don Mueang Airport under The Situation Of COVID-19

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Supannikar Bootrat
Pornprom Chomngam


A study of the relationship between Thai Air Asia’s Marketing Communication Strategies and Customers’ service selection decision at Don Mueang Airport under The situation of COVID-19 aims to study 1) the Thai Air Asia’s marketing communication strategies under the situation of COVID-19 2) the customers’ service selection decision at Don Mueang Airport 3) the relationship between Thai Air Asia’s Marketing Communication Strategies and Customers’ service selection decision at Don Mueang Airport under The situation of COVID-19. 
Samples were 138 male and female between the ages of 22-60 years, who were customers of Thai Air Asia Airline at Don Mueang Airport.  The study used questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis.  The results showed that 1) Promotion is the most important marketing communication strategy of Thai Air Asia under the situation of COVID-19. 2) Awareness of need is an important part of the customers’ service selection decision at Don Mueang Airport due to the frequency of their flights. 3) There is a significant relationship between Thai Air Asia’s Marketing Communication Strategies and Customers’ service selection decision at Don Mueang Airport under the situation of COVID-19 at 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Bootrat, S. ., & Chomngam, P. . (2023). The Relationship between Thai Air Asia’s Marketing Communication Strategies and Customers’ Service Selection Decision at Don Mueang Airport under The Situation Of COVID-19. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 8–25. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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