Image Communication of Thai Singers Artists in Abroad: the Case Study of Milli and PP – Billkin

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Chattaporn Saladtook
Teerati Banterng


Independent study on image Communication of Thai singer artists to abroad Milli and PP-Billkin case studies, there are 3 objectives of the study: 1) To study the communication and image-building strategies of Thai singers abroad, namely Milli and PP-Billkin 2) To study the channels and patterns of image presentation of Thai artists abroad, namely Milli and PP-Billkin, 3) To study the soft power of Thai artists' culture abroad, namely Milli and PP-Billkin. This study uses the Qualitative Research methodology by Documentary Research and six people In-depth interview data.

The results of this research showed that in the communication and image-building strategies of Milli and PP-Billkin artists, the narrative articles were written in a coherent manner. Multiple symbols are used, allowing for a greater understanding of a variety of perspectives. Various elements that represent individuality are used in all situations. A variety of language is used to write lectures that can be attributed to the persons along with mentions of the persons involved in the incident. Relevant hashtags are inserted, as well as links to different platforms, detailed postponements of events, dates, times, and locations. In terms of the format of presenting the image of Thai artists abroad of Milli and PP-Billkin artists through platforms Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, the image format is presented. Text format, video format, Short video formats and link formats are based on interviews with fan page moderators used to communicate between fans and fans of singer artists. Six of them found that fans were fascinated by the artist's singing voice and then followed up with the work. Therefore, it is felt that all singer artists are friendly, approachable and supported by purchasing products that the artists serve as presenters, as well as the brands of the artists themselves. Additionally, for the T-Pop industry, the artists have made the white nation more familiar with Thai music and also spread Thai culture to foreigners.

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How to Cite
Saladtook, C. ., & Banterng, T. . (2023). Image Communication of Thai Singers Artists in Abroad: the Case Study of Milli and PP – Billkin. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 56–70. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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