The Relationship between Government’s Source Credibility and The Attitude Change toward an Electric Vehicle of Drivers in Bangkok

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Kantarat Pakdeebanchasak
Pornprom Chomngam


A study of the Relationship between government’s source credibility and the attitude change toward an electric vehicle of drivers in Bangkok. The purpose of this study is 1) to examine the government’s source credibility toward an electric vehicle 2) to examine the attitude change toward an electric vehicle of drivers in Bangkok 3) the relationship between government’s source credibility and the attitude change toward an electric vehicle of drivers in Bangkok.

Samples were 120 male and female who has a driving license between the ages of 18-59 year old, and attended The Motor Expo 2021 The study used questionnaires as a tool for data collection.  The data were analyzed by Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results showed that 1) The respondents believe that the goodwill of accountability system is an important data of the government’s source credibility toward an electric vehicle.  Due to the respondents can trust an electric vehicle’s information from the government’s presentation.   2) Compliance is an attitude change toward an electric vehicle of drivers.  The respondents are interested in using an electric vehicle because the government creates awareness of health impact such as carbon dioxide pollution, toxic dust and PM 2.5.  3) There is a significant relationship between the government’s source credibility and the attitude change toward an electric vehicle of drivers in Bangkok at 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Pakdeebanchasak, K. ., & Chomngam, P. . (2023). The Relationship between Government’s Source Credibility and The Attitude Change toward an Electric Vehicle of Drivers in Bangkok. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 22(1), 109–123. Retrieved from (Original work published May 31, 2023)
Research Articles


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