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Tharadon Kaewthiprak
Anukoon Rotjanasuksomboon


The article objective of research for studying the developed concepts and the process of creating puppet shown by Baan Took Katun Thai Puppet team.  According to qualitative research by consulting the information and insight interview from authentic and discussions with experts for approved information.

The research results show that the puppet show of the Baan Took Tun Thai Puppet group has a concept that create from Professor Chusri (Chum) Sakulkaew who is national Artist in the Thai Puppetry Art Department and transfer their knowledge and experience of puppets and traditional puppetry art. Then expanded and developed by creating new puppets and performance styles that related to the story of the shown can be divided into 3 parts 1.) beginning part, has traditional Thai puppetry styles and methods of puppet was recreated with a design that could move the fingers and neck. The content presented is a traditional script like the Fine Arts Department. 2.) fundamental part, they had developed puppets from the original structure went through a process of studying techniques from various types of puppets both original and foreign by designing the puppets to be appropriate for the story. The puppet can blink its eyes, move their mouth, and move their hands. The content presented came from Thai masterpieces of literature and for the last part is 3.) Innovative part, puppets are created using 3D printing technology and various innovations combined until creating a performance style that is unique to Baan Took Tun Thai Puppet House The content presented is both from existing literature and newly created to suit the times. Most of them present stories about Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Kaewthiprak , T. . ., & Rotjanasuksomboon, A. . (2024). THE CREATIVE PROCESS DEVELOPMENT OF BAAN TOOKATUN THAI PUPPET’S SHOWS. SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 23(1), 262–270. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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