The Study of Mathematics Learning Achievement of Mathayom Suksa Five Students on Probability by Using SSCS Model

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วิภาดา คล้ายนิ่ม


The purposes of this research were 1) to study mathematics learning achievement of Mathayom Suksa 5 students on Probability by using SSCS model and 2) to study students’ opinions related to learning management on Probability by using SSCS model at Triamudom Suksa Pattanakarn Ratchada school. The sample group was 31 Mathayom Suksa 5 students of one classroom at Triamudom Suksa Pattanakarn Ratchada School in the second semester of the academic year 2016 that was selected by cluster random sampling from 11 classrooms. The instruments in data collection consisted of 10 lesson plans on Probability of Mathayom Suksa 5 e students by using SSCS model, 15 items with 4 multiple choices and 5completion items of mathematics learning achievement test on Probability of Mathayom Suksa 5, and students’ opinion questionnaire towards learning management on Probability by using SSCS model. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used for analyzing the data. The research findings revealed that 1) students’ mathematics learning achievement on Probability by using SSCS model after learning was higher than 60%, significant at the .05 level, and 2) almost all students agreed that the learning management was appropriate.

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How to Cite
คล้ายนิ่ม ว. (2018). The Study of Mathematics Learning Achievement of Mathayom Suksa Five Students on Probability by Using SSCS Model. STOU Education Journal, 10(2), 329–345. retrieved from
Research Article