Variables Affecting Learning Achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course of Vocational Certificate Students in Eastern Region Vocational Education Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

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วีรศักดิ์ ภักดีงาม


The objectives of this study were (1) to study learning achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course of vocational certificate students in Eastern Region vocational education institutions; (2) to investigate the relationships of achievement motive, learning attitude, parental support, and self-concept with the students’ academic achievement; and (3) to identify the variables affecting learning achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course and to create an equation using the variables for predicting learning achievement.  The sample consisted of 382 vocational certificate students in Eastern Region vocational education institutions during the academic year 2015. The employed research instruments comprised of forms to questionnaire achievement motive, learning attitude, self-concept and parental support with reliability coefficients of 0.89, 0.84, 0.83 and 0.81 respectively; Statistics employed were the mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings showed that (1) most of the vocational certificate students had learning achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course at the fairly good level; (2) the following variables: achievement motive, learning attitude, parental support, and self-concept had positive correlations which were significant at the .01 level with learning achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course; and (3) the variables affecting learning achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course were learning attitude (X2), achievement motive (X1), and parental support (X3) with multiple correlation coefficient of .833; and they could be combined to predict learning achievement by 69.40 percent.  The predicting equation in the form of raw score was as follows:  gif.latex?\hat{Y}= .704 + .311(X2) + .281(X1) + .229(X3) Also, the predicting equation in the form of standard sore equation as follows:  gif.latex?\hat{Z} =  .357(X2) + .320(X1) + .246(X3)

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How to Cite
ภักดีงาม ว. (2018). Variables Affecting Learning Achievement in the Science for Industrial Career Development Course of Vocational Certificate Students in Eastern Region Vocational Education Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. STOU Education Journal, 11(1), 46–60. Retrieved from
Research Article