The Beneficial Effects of Manga and Anime on Japanese Teaching and Learning: A Study with Interviews from Thai College Students Analyzed According to the SCAT

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Kazuyoshi Tajima


The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine the influence of Manga and Anime on Thai students. The study examined subjects who were studying Business Japanese as an academic major at a university in Nonthaburi. The objectives of this research were 1) to identify the reasons why students who are interested in Manga and Anime decide to study Japanese; 2) to reveal the advantages the students will receive from such media; and 3) to provide suggestions for future study. A semi-structured face-to-face individual interview was conducted with 6 Thai college students who demonstrated a high interest in Manga and Anime. The transcripts were analyzed according to the “Steps for Coding and Theorization” (SCAT) method, which is a qualitative data analysis technique for generative coding and theorization. The survey revealed that Manga and Anime could be considered one of the prominent reasons behind the students’ choice of learning Japanese language, and continuing studying Japanese. However, the interests of Japanese language learners in higher education are not limited to Manga and Anime, there are other interests as well. It was also found that Manga and Anime were most likely beneficial to improve their Japanese language skills and foster their autonomous learning.

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How to Cite
Tajima, K. (2018). The Beneficial Effects of Manga and Anime on Japanese Teaching and Learning: A Study with Interviews from Thai College Students Analyzed According to the SCAT. STOU Education Journal, 11(1), 61–78. Retrieved from
Research Article