Enhancing the Ability in Constructing Scientific Explanations of Learners by Using the Inquiry Teaching Method

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Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong


        This article explains how to develop students’ ability in constructing scientific explanations by using the Inquiry Teaching Method. The writer first reviews problems of science teachers in providing learning management according to the steps of  the Inquiry Method from her own experiences, then proposes guidelines to solve the problems by recommending that teachers should understand clearly about the Inquiry Method ; moreover, they should know how to analyze and organize the concepts of a lesson; and understand the 3 components of a scientific explanation: 1)  the use of claim; 2) the use of evidence; and 3) reasoning.  If teachers apply those guidelines in designing learning management, it will help develop students’ ability in constructing a scientific explanation which is considered an important goal of the Inquiry Teaching Method.

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How to Cite
Chaowakeratipong, N. (2019). Enhancing the Ability in Constructing Scientific Explanations of Learners by Using the Inquiry Teaching Method. STOU Education Journal, 12(1), 40–54. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/145237
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