The Effects of Cooperative Learning Management to Develop Thai Language Speaking Skill of Mathayom Suksa V Students

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Suwaporn Angkuldee
Thanarat Sirisawad
Suchin Visavateeranon


                The objectives of this research were (1) to compare the speaking learning achievement of Mathayom Suksa 5 students before and after learning under cooperative learning management (2) to compare the speaking skills of Mathayom Suksa V students before and after learning under cooperative learning management and (3) to compare attitude towards the speaking subject of Mathayom Suksa V students before and after learning under cooperative learning management. The sample of this research consisted of 43 Mathayom Suksa V students studying in Language and Technology education program at Bangplama Soongsumarn Pradungwit school, who enrolled for the speaking subject. The sample obtained by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments used in this study were the cooperative learning management plans in speaking subject, speaking skills test, speaking learning achievement test and attitude toward speaking subject inventory.  The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings revealed that (1) the post-learning speaking learning achievement scores of the student learning under cooperative learning management were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart scores at the .05 level of significance; (2) the post-learning speaking skill scores of the student learning under cooperative learning management were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart scores at the .05 level of significance; and (3) the post-learning attitude toward speaking subject scores of the student learning under cooperative learning management were significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart scores at the .05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Angkuldee, S., Sirisawad, T., & Visavateeranon, S. (2020). The Effects of Cooperative Learning Management to Develop Thai Language Speaking Skill of Mathayom Suksa V Students. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 220–233. Retrieved from
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