Application of Theory-driven Evaluation Approach for Development and Evaluation the Student’s Democratic Personality Development Project in Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission

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Pralong Krutnoi
Sungworn Ngudgratoke
Somkid Promjui
Suphak Pibool


                The purposes of this research were to create the program theory, develop the evaluation methods, and evaluate the success of Student’s Democratic Personality Development Project in Primary Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. The samples were 38 students studying in Prathom Suksa IV in Sansai Luang school, Sansai district, Chiang Mai province. The research procedure was divided in 3 stages: Stage 1: creating the theory program of evaluation. Stage 2: developing the method of evaluation. Stage 3: evaluating the project. The research instruments consisted of 1) a knowledge test, 2) a students’ satisfaction questionnaire on the activities, 3) a students’ self-assessment form, 4) a student democracy personality assessment form for teachers, 5) a questionnaire for students' awareness/consciousness that makes students have democratic personality, and 6) a project evaluation form. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1) the program theory consisted of action model and change model. The action model used to design intervention of democratic personality development activities. The change model had students’ awareness which was a determinant linking intervention and outcome. 2) The overall of the students’ score, and their satisfaction on the learning-teaching process of all activities were at a good level and the highest level, respectively. 3) Overall, students’ democratic personality was at a good level. The students’ awareness/consciousness instilling democratic behaviors were at a good level. The majority of stakeholders agreed with this Project because they perceived that the Project was useful for students to enable them to apply the obtained knowledge in their daily lives; also, the overall democratic personality of the students was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Krutnoi, P., Ngudgratoke, S., Promjui, S., & Pibool, S. (2020). Application of Theory-driven Evaluation Approach for Development and Evaluation the Student’s Democratic Personality Development Project in Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 98–113. Retrieved from
Research Article


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