Development of Scientific Creative Thinking in the Topic of Biodiversity of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students Learning under the 5E Inquiry Cycle Learning Management together with the 4 MAT Technique

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Patcharee Tepsuribun


       The purpose of research was to develop scientific creative thinking in the topic of Biodiversity of Mathayom Suksa 3 students learning under the 5E inquiry cycle learning management together with the 4 MAT technique. The research sample consisted of 48 Mathayom Suksa 3 students at Thidanukroh School during the second semester of the 2017 academic year, obtained by cluster random sampling. The content of the study was the topic of Biodiversity at Mathayom Suksa 3 level in the Science Learning Area of the Basic Education Core Curriculum, B.E. 2551.  This study was conducted during the first semester of the 2017 academic year.  The research duration covered 15 periods in three weeks, with three periods per week.  The employed research instruments were 1) six learning management plans in the topic of Biodiversity for the 5E inquiry cycle learning management together with the 4 MAT technique: (1) Biodiversity of Plants and Animals in the Local Area, (2) The Plant Kingdom, (3) The Animal Kingdom, (4) The Effects of Biodiversity, (5) Advancement in Biotechnology, and (6) The Benefits of Biodiversity; and 2) a scale to assess scientific creative thinking.  Research data were analyzed with the t-test for dependent samples.  The research findings revealed that the post-experiment scientific creative thinking mean score of Mathayom Suksa 3 students learning under the 5E inquiry cycle learning management together with the 4 MAT technique was significantly higher than their pre-experiment counterpart mean score at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Tepsuribun, P. (2019). Development of Scientific Creative Thinking in the Topic of Biodiversity of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students Learning under the 5E Inquiry Cycle Learning Management together with the 4 MAT Technique. STOU Education Journal, 12(1), 168–177. retrieved from
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