Relationships between Academic Administration Based on the Concepts of Professional Learning Community, the Trust of Teachers, and Quality of Educational Outcomes in Secondary Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission

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Mintra Laisnitsarekul
Buncha Chalapirom
Dhiraphat Kulophas


                The objectives of this research were to study (1) the current state, desirable state, and the needs of academic administration of secondary schools based on the concept of professional learning community (PLC), the concept of the trust of teachers, and the concept of quality of educational outcomes; and (2) the relationships between academic administration based on the concept of PLC, academic administration based on the concept of the trust of teachers, and academic administration based on the concept of quality of educational outcomes.  The research sample consisted of 333 secondary schools under the Office of  Basic Education Commission (OBEC).  The research informants were 1020 school personnel classified into school directors, associate school directors, representatives of learning areas, and representatives of teachers. Statistics employed for data analysis included the percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNI modified, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The findings showed that (1) the current states of academic administration based on the concepts of PLC, the trust of teachers, and quality of educational outcomes were rated at the high level; while the desirable states of academic administration based on the three concepts were rated at the highest level; regarding the needs, the highest need was the need for curriculum development, the second highest need was that for instructional management, and the third highest need was that for measurement and evaluation; and  (2) as for relationships of variables, it was found that the relationships were of different characteristics that could be further specified as follows: academic administrations in all aspects based on the same concept correlated positively at the moderate to high levels; as for  academic administrations based on different concepts, it was found that only academic administration based on the concept of the trust of teachers and  that based on the concept of quality of educational outcomes correlated positively at the moderate to high levels; while academic administrations based on other concepts correlated at the very low level.

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Laisnitsarekul, M., Chalapirom, B., & Kulophas, D. (2020). Relationships between Academic Administration Based on the Concepts of Professional Learning Community, the Trust of Teachers, and Quality of Educational Outcomes in Secondary Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 158–174. Retrieved from
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