Basic Education Management Based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: A Case Study of Si Saengtham School

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Nopporn Susen


                The objectives of this research were to study (1) the educational management condition of Si Saengtham School before applied the philosophy of sufficiency economy as main educational management; and (2) the results, problems, obstacles and impacts of applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy on educational management. This research was a case study of Si Saengtham School, Khong Chiam district, Ubon Ratchathani province. The key research informants were 36 stakeholders who implicated in the school administration. The employed data collecting instruments were an observation guidelines form, an interview question guidelines form, and a documentary study recording form. Research data were analyzed by content analysis. Research findings revealed that (1) before applied the philosophy of sufficiency economy the school had been managed under the condition of insufficient resources and inexperienced in educational management and (2) the application of the philosophy of sufficiency economy initiated the school to be capable of achieving a sustainable self-reliance; 1) the general administration aspect focused on frugality by using information technology and online social media with the internal communication system,using alternative energy to produce solar electricity  for use in school, as a result, the school was praised as an alternative energy prototype school, and the used of local wisdom and the community cooperation to construct earth-house classrooms and a school building without using the state budget; 2) the curriculum development aspect used the principles of reasonableness, moderation and self-immunity to develop the curriculum by integrated the philosophy of sufficiency economy into all course descriptions ; 3) the instructional management aspect focused on applying academic knowledge into actual practices, students could apply knowledge and skills to help their family works; the school could create innovations and inventions which were beneficial to society and the community; 4) the learner development activities management aspect, school had facilitated and developed students to be the person with virtue and ethics, had social, public and environment consciousness by managed curriculum activities, extra-curriculum activities and public mind activities; the main problems and obstacles regarding the application of the philosophy of sufficiency economy were the lack of teachers, the lack of experts and specialists for counseling, public utilities in the forms of electricity and internet did not respond well to their needs; the positive impact of applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy in educational management on school were the school was capable of achieving a sustainable self-reliance, was famous and well acknowledged by society, teachers were virtuous and qualified, students had consistently life skills with the locality environment, school was an alternative energy prototype school for the community; the negative impact arose at first was parents and community did not understand, and thought that the philosophy of sufficiency economy was inappropriate for educational management

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How to Cite
Susen, N. (2019). Basic Education Management Based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: A Case Study of Si Saengtham School. STOU Education Journal, 12(1), 228–240. Retrieved from
Research Article


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