Development of a Learning Management Model to Enhance Mathematical Thinking for Mathayom Suksa 4 Students

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Suphitcha Sihawong


        The purpose of this research was to develop a learning management model to enhance mathematical thinking for Mathayom Suksa 4 students.  There were three phases of the research process: 1) the study of documents and related research studies; 2) the drafting and development of a learning management model to enhance mathematical thinking for Mathayom Suksa 4 students; and 3) the evaluation of appropriateness of the developed learning management model. The key research informants were five experts on mathematics education and mathematics learning management.  The employed research instrument was an evaluation form for assessing the developed learning management model to enhance mathematical thinking for Mathayoms Suksa 4 students. The data were analyzed with the use of content analysis, mean, and standard deviation. The research findings showed that the developed learning management model to enhance mathematical thinking for Mathayom Suksa 4 students was composed of seven components: (1) the principles of the learning management model; (2) the objectives of the learning management model; (3) the instructional process of the learning management model;
(4) the measurement and evaluation of the learning management model; (5) the learning atmosphere; (6) the teacher’s roles; and (7) the students’ roles. The instructional process of the learning management model comprised five steps: (1) the review of prior knowledge; (2) the learning from practice; (3) the sharing of knowledge; (4) the construction of knowledge; and (5) the application of knowledge. The results of appropriateness evaluation of the developed learning management model showed that the learning management model to enhance mathematical thinking for Mathayoms Suksa 4 students was appropriate at the high level.

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