Factor and Latent Profile Analyses of Student Engagement

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Worapitcha Wechviriyakul
Nuttaporn Lawthong
Siripreeya Chaiboonma
Suthanit Wetcho
Siwachoat Srisuttiyakorn


                The purposes of this study were 1) to analyze the factor of student engagement of primary school students and secondary school students in Thailand and examining the quality of the student engagement scale after analyze the factor; and 2) to analyze the profile group of primary school students and secondary school students in Thailand according to the level of student engagement. The data was a secondary data derived from School Quality Improvement Program. The research instrument was student engagement scale. Data were analyzed by using exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency reliability, item discrimination and latent profile analysis. The research finding were showed that 1) the factor of student engagement both of primary school students and secondary school students consisted of 4 factors include relationship with teachers and school, behavioral engagement, relationship with friends and relationship with family; 2) for primary school students, the total scale reliability was .82 and when considering each factor, the reliability was between .50 to .74,  and for secondary school students, the total scale reliability was .82 and when considering each factor, the reliability was between .54 to .77; 3) for primary school students, the average item discrimination was .41, and the item discrimination were between .32 and .53, for secondary school students, the average item discrimination was .42 and the items discrimination were between .32 and .49  and 4) student engagement profile of both of primary school students and secondary school students consisted of  3 groups which were: the group that are above average; the group is at average; and the group that are below average.

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How to Cite
Wechviriyakul, W., Lawthong, N., Chaiboonma, S., Wetcho, S., & Srisuttiyakorn, S. (2020). Factor and Latent Profile Analyses of Student Engagement. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 83–97. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/214035
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