The Management of Local Wisdom Learning Resources of the Old Chao Phraya Riverside Communities for Sustainable Education

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Nongyao Utoomporn
Preechar Tanawiboon


                The objectives of this research were to study 1) local wisdom learning resources facilitating learning in the communities along the Old Chao Phraya River, 2) potential and participation of the communities in using local wisdom learning resources for educational management, and 3) guidelines for administering local wisdom learning resources for sustainable education. The informants comprised 16 local wisdom experts, 40 community leaders, school administrators, supervisors, teachers, and related people. The sample consisted of 400 community members and related people in Bangkok Yai and Bangkok Noi districts. The employed research tools included an interview, a questionnaire, and guidelines for a focus group discussion. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research results revealed that: 1) most local wisdom products were in the field of crafts, 2) the overall potential of the communities in using learning resources was rated at a moderate level, and the aspect receiving the highest average score was that the communities had a plan for managing local learning resources. The overall participation of the communities in using learning resources was rated at a moderate level, and the aspect receiving the highest average score was that the participation in analyzing current conditions and problems in using local wisdom resources for educational purposes, and 3) guidelines for utilizing the learning resources, including creating a local wisdom database, websites, documents and publications, videos, CAI lessons, school-based curriculum, and additional learning contents.

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How to Cite
Utoomporn, N., & Tanawiboon, P. (2020). The Management of Local Wisdom Learning Resources of the Old Chao Phraya Riverside Communities for Sustainable Education. STOU Education Journal, 13(1), 131–144. Retrieved from
Research Article


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